Best Lawyer

Pennebaker Law Firm

210 562-2885

Energy Plaza 8610 N New Braunfels Ave Suite 707 San Antonio TX 78217

Pennebaker Law Firm


Profile Description

I believe in the jury system. I believe that every person who has been wronged is entitled to assert their case before a jury of their peers. This is not just the foundation of our legal system. It is everything. I am Law Office of Dennis L. Richard, a San Antonio trial lawyer with more than 40 years of experience. Having tried more than 150 civil trials, I know how to advocate for my clients in court. I have obtained many millions of dollars in compensation for my clients, who include injured people and their families. Sadly, most of the lawyers you see advertising on television and on billboards rarely, if ever, try cases. This puts their clients at a severe disadvantage in our legal system. Preparing a case for trial enhances the value of your claim. If the insurance company knows that your lawyer is prepared to go to trial, it makes them more willing to pay you what your case is worth.

Cost & Availability

Mon to Fri 8 am to 5 00pm
