United States Department of Health and Human Services’s Proposed Weed Relaxation


The United States Department of Health and Human Services is probably going easy on weed, the recreational drug. The federal department had proposed a relaxation to marijuana legislation. 

According to reports from Bloomberg News, the department sent a letter to the Drug Enforcement Agency administrator. 

The Controlled Substances Act

Rachel Levine, the assistant secretary of the health department, wrote in the letter that they should reschedule marijuana. Currently, Marijuana falls under the category of Schedule I of the Controlled Substances Act.

Marijuana is a Schedule I drug. Almost 40 out of 50 States in the United States have legalized marijuana. If you are a resident of such a state, you can use it in one form or the other. However, it is still completely illegal in the other States. 

The DEA’s Response

The Drug Enforcement Administration has said that it has received the letter with the recommendation. As of now, the letter is under the president’s request for a review.

The White House secretary has set that the administration’s process is an independent one. Any similar steps taken by the Department of Justice are to be guided by evidence. 

The health department has not immediately responded. However, the Drug Administration’s spokesperson has said that as a part of the process, the health department will conduct a scientific and medical evaluation. This evaluation will be given to the drug department for their consideration. 

Cannabis firms in the United States have welcomed this move by the United States Health Department. Recreational marijuana users are happy about it as well.

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