Employment Rights tips

How Fundamental Dishonesty Impact Your Personal Injury Claim?

26 March 2024
Last Modified Date: 24 July 2024

When you get involved in an accident, seeking justice for any harm or losses you may have encountered will be your next step. But what happens when honesty takes a backseat during the compensation process for your personal injury claim? This is where fundamental dishonesty comes into play.

In this article, we’ll explain the impacts of fundamental dishonesty in your personal injury claim. A deeper dive below will tell you all you need to know about fundamental dishonesty and why it is crucial to seek assistance from top-notch lawyers to evaluate your personal injury claim.

Let’s get going.

What Is Fundamental Dishonesty?

Fundamental dishonesty refers to lying or exaggerating the truth to get more compensation. For instance, let’s say you were injured in a car accident, and you’re unable to work due to severe back pain. But secretly, you’ve been engaging in strenuous physical activities like hiking or playing sports.

This contradiction between your claimed injury severity and activities could lead to fundamental dishonesty. Well, fundamental dishonesty can take various forms, such as:

  • Exaggerated extent of injuries: This includes claiming that your injuries are more severe than they are, attributing unrevealed symptoms to the accident, and seeking more compensation.
  • Fabricating Events: It refers to making up details about how the accident occurred or who was involved in an attempt to shift blame or inflate the accident’s severity.
  • Concealing Information: Withholding crucial details or past medical history that could affect the outcome of the claim.
  • Falsifying Evidence: Providing false witness statements or medical records to support your claim.
  • Misrepresenting Recovery: Claiming that you’re still suffering from injuries long after you have fully recovered.

Impacts of Fundamental Dishonesty on Your Claim

Fundamental dishonesty, in many situations, has dire consequences. In case the court explores that the claimant has remained fundamentally dishonest for a long time, they will not receive any compensation for damages. Apart from that, there are other consequences, too. Check them out: 

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Loss of Credibility

When the court or insurance companies notice instances of fundamental dishonesty, they may question the legitimacy of your claim. Fundamental dishonesty will lower your credibility, reducing your chances of receiving fair compensation.

Reduced Compensation

Exaggerating or fabricating injuries, hoping for a larger payout, can backfire instantly. Rather than increasing your compensation, fundamental dishonesty can lead to a reduction or outright dismissal of your claim. The courts are quick to penalize dishonesty, leaving you with little or nothing.

The consequences of fundamental dishonesty extend beyond a mere blow to your claim. You could find yourself in hot water, facing legal repercussions for fraud. Fines, penalties, and even criminal charges may await those caught in the web of deceit. The fallout from dishonesty can haunt you long after the accident ends, ruining your reputation and prospects.

A personal injury case entangled with fundamental dishonesty is often met with heightened scrutiny and resistance from opposing parties. This will drag out the legal process, prolonging your case’s resolution. Lengthy legal battles not only drain your resources but also extend the emotional strain of reliving the accident and its aftermath.

Why Do People Engage in Fundamental Dishonesty

You might wonder why someone would risk their claim by being dishonest. Well, there are a few reasons why. Let’s have a look:

  1. Greed: Some people see personal injury claims as a chance to make easy money. They think that exaggerating their injuries will result in larger payouts.
  1. Pressure: Others might be pressured to exaggerate their injuries by family, friends, or lawyers. They might think it is necessary to prove their case.
  1. Ignorance: Some people may not realize the consequences of being dishonest. They might think it’s harmless, or they won’t get caught.
Close-up doctor bandaging arm

How to Avoid Fundamental Dishonesty?

Personal injury claims mainly start from road traffic accidents. If someone truly wants to prevent fundamental dishonesty, some important steps have to be taken. 

  1. Be Truthful from the Start

Honesty is the foundation for a solid personal injury claim. From the moment you report the accident, provide accurate and truthful information about the incident, your injuries, and other relevant details.

  1. Consult Legal Professionals

Seek guidance from reputable legal professionals who specialize in personal injury cases. A knowledgeable attorney can provide valuable advice, advocate on your behalf, and ensure that your claim is within the bounds of the law.

  1. Resist Pressure to Exaggerate

In the aftermath of an accident, you may encounter pressure from various sources, such as friends or family members, to exaggerate your injuries or the circumstances of your incident. You should resist such temptation to inflate your claim for financial gain.

According to statistics, fundamental dishonesty damages 90 percent of your personal injury case, leading to the loss of your claim.

How To Prove That The Claimant Is Fundamentally Dishonest? 

As a defendant, you might think about how you can prove the claimant is fundamentally dishonest. Well, don’t worry! With a few simple tips, you can claim your compensation for the accident and also prove the claimant’s dishonesty.

  1. Surveillance

It is due to surveillance that the defendant can take action against the claimant. Surveillance acts as an inquiry or private investigation against a fundamentally dishonest individual. It also attempts to “catch them out”  while performing such activities. Mostly due to surveillance, judges are able to discover the claimant’s fault and punish them for misleading the court of the defendants.  

  1. Social Media

Defendants tend to search the claimants’ social media profiles to check their activities for a long time. Social media posts have the potential to show their hiking tendencies or whether they have taken part in extreme sports. Any of such past records will help to prove their personal injury claim. 

Wrapping Up!

In conclusion, honesty is a paramount feature in your personal injury claim. Fundamental dishonesty can have serious consequences., from damaging your credibility to facing legal penalties and fines. So, if you’re involved in an accident, be truthful about your injuries and the circumstances.

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