
The 3 Steps To Take With Your Employer Before A Deployment

08 December 2023
Last Modified Date: 06 January 2024

When you are in the military you can be called up for deployment at any time. This requires a lot of planning and preparation. One of the biggest sources of anxiety around deployment is what to do about work. Proper planning can alleviate much of this anxiety. 

It’s essential to take deliberate steps to manage your work responsibilities effectively. When you take certain steps it can not only protect your job but also maintain peace of mind. This allows you to concentrate on your deployment without the added stress of unresolved work issues.

So, if you are all set to get deployed somewhere else, this article is your ultimate savior. 

Here Are Three Prime Steps To Take With Your Employer Before A Deployment

Steps To Take With Your Employer Before A Deployment

When an accomplished deployment is your goal, what’s important is to have a well-informed plan. In this article, we will go over several steps to take for work before your deployment to cover yourself legally

When it comes to legal considerations during deployment, it’s essential to thoroughly review your benefits and compensation. Your employment benefits, including health insurance, paid leave, and retirement contributions, might be affected during your time away.

There could be a lot of papers to sign before going on your deployment. This may include forms related to your deployment, changes in benefits, or any other HR-related procedures. However, before you sign anything, make sure to take the documents to a lawyer such as these in Riverside to look over everything. 

2 – Plan the transition

Before you leave, it’s important to take some steps to hand over your tasks to somebody else. Conduct some meetings with the people who need to know what you do and take over for you. These meetings are opportunities for you to sit down with your colleagues and go through ongoing projects and responsibilities. 

Another key aspect is to outline your key processes. This involves creating written instructions or guides for the tasks you usually handle. The idea is that somebody can do your job with the information they’ve been given. It helps that they don’t need to ask you for help since you’ll be unavailable.  Include any helpful tips or insights you’ve gained that can help your replacements.

Make sure that all projects you’re involved in are up-to-date. Your managers should know where the project is and what needs to be done next. Clearly outline who will be taking over your responsibilities and provide their contact information. There shouldn’t be any lapse in the project when you’re gone, so taking these steps is essential. 

3 – Coming back from deployment

When your deployment is over, your job should be waiting for you if you took the necessary steps previously. Now is the time to reintegrate into your old life and old job. It’s a good idea to allow yourself a transition period to reacquaint yourself with your work environment. 

Have a meeting with your supervisor soon after your return. This meeting is a chance to get updated on any changes that happened while you were away. Learn about new projects, shifts in company policies, or changes in team structures. You may also be able to share your experiences while deployed to help with your job.

What Are The Consequences Of Deployment?

Whether there is a war or not, military families have to go through a lot of stress, like frequent deployment or not having a parent. As such, war deployment creates havoc in the family and results in numerous consequences. So, let’s have a look at them: 

1- Psychological Impacts

Let’s admit it: not having a partner, father, or brother by our side ultimately puts us in a state of loneliness and depression. Being in the military is not at all an easy task, as it takes a toll on your family. There is a constant worry and concern for the gone family member. 

And god forbid if the soldier has an upfront task- the bad news can come at any time. Furthermore, not having a family member ultimately puts additional responsibility on the other one- ultimately forcing them to carry the baggage. This puts some more pressure on the only parent or spouse that’s left behind. 

2- Financial Challenges

One of the most unsaid things about deployment is the financial challenges a family has to face. Imagine being stuck at home, longing for the only earning member to return home, but years pass by, and you do not hear anything from them. In such a situation, the other members have to take on the responsibility. 

There are emotional challenges, and if economic problems combine, it becomes too difficult. Based on the location you are deployed to, you might or might not be able to build communication with your other half. Hence, financial complexities are likely to arise. 

3- Reunions Might Not Always Be Joyful

I cannot recall how many times I heard of fathers returning from a mission just to find out that their newborn child didn’t recognize them. It is such an overwhelming moment for the parent because all this while, they have longed for their family’s love and presence. 

As such, it becomes difficult to develop an overall new bond with this newest member. And there is no certainty when they will have to return again. Hence, deployment takes a major toll not only on the deployed’s mentality but also on the entire family. 

Summing It Up:

The impacts of deployment extend far beyond what we can ever imagine. From families to children, everyone struggles with the constant changes that take place. Furthermore, if you are about to receive a call for deployment, ensure that you have a talk with your employer and fulfill your checklist. 

With this, I wrap this article up. Save this so that you do not get out of the way when you have to face this big challenge on your way. Also, comment below and share your thoughts on this. Until then, happy reading!

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